lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2018

Meet The Bodybuilder Trying To Build Sweden's Freakiest Physique

Joar Fällmar is calm, intense, and driven to succeed in the gym and on the stage. Meet the up-and-coming European bodybuilder who is going to be your next shoulder day motivation!
Resultado de imagen para Joar Fällmar

During his late teen years, Joar Fällmar fell out of love with sitting around playing video games, and in love with moving the heaviest iron possible. But when a back injury put the sport of powerlifting out of reach, he switched gears and became a heavy-and-hard bodybuilder in the mold of his heroes Branch Warren and Johnnie O. Jackson. He discovered that his body loved the challenge, and he grew like a weed—although his studies took a hit.
"I was the other guy before. People didn't look up to me, people didn't compliment me. But I think people began to see me more like a role model, even though I didn't go to all my classes," the native of Jönköping, Sweden, says.
Now in his late 20s, and with several international competitions under his belt, this soft-spoken light heavyweight bodybuilder has set a new goal, which he shared in the video "Life of Iron" on the you tube chanel 
"I want to be Sweden's most freakish physique. I want people to be shocked," he says. "I have my tunnel vision. Nothing is going to break it."

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