domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2018

DIY Body Wraps (Remove toxins and lose weight)


I have been using body wraps regularly for the last while and I can really notice the difference in my waist size. I make DIY body wraps to remove toxins and lose weight from my waist, but you can use them for any areas of your body you want to tone and shape. It is simple to do and requires very little effort.

Obviously they are no miracle weight loss sorcery as they don’t involve any dieting or exercise. I wish!! They do, however help tone the waist area by fusing out toxins and water weight. Losing water weight only results in temporary weight loss so the DIY body wraps are only a quick fix. This can be great for helping to fit into that little black dress or pair of skinny jeans that no longer quite fit.

For me, I am trying to lose the baby weight from my midriff. I have noticed it is helping me by motivating me to eat healthier and exercise more, in order to achieve this permanent toned look. It is a good idea to do the wraps once a month or so, to flush out any toxins. You will lose on average an inch in circumference after an hour or so.
I have been using the DIY body wraps every couple of days in a bid to tone up for my holiday. I am going on a well deserved sun holiday in a couple of weeks but I really need to lose some belly fat if I want to fit into my swimsuit. It is definitely helping so far.
You can make these DIY wraps quickly and easily in 5 minutes with mainly kitchen basics so it doesn’t take up much of your time. You can also use these wraps to tone and slim your thighs, upper arms and any other areas where you have excess fat. Once you can manage to wrap the cling film around, you are good to go.

French green clay, Himalayan salt and green tea mixture

The whole idea of a wrap is to make the body sweat in that particular area, therefore flushing out toxins as well as water, which in turn, slim down that area and leave your skin lovely and soft. By using nice detoxifying ingredients and minerals such as salt along with oils for moisturisation, you end up with a more toned, slimmer and baby soft belly, legs or upper arms. You can even do a full body wrap if you are feeling like a complete detox.
The ones I have used are made from all natural ingredients that you may even have lying around your house. They are left on for an hour or 2 rather than overnight, even though I know there are ones you can leave on overnight. I find them a little uncomfortable after a while so I choose not to leave them on longer.
It is important to stay well hydrated when doing a body wrap. I advise having a large glass of water prior to starting your body wrap and you can sip on water for the time you are waiting. Just have a glass of water handy so you remember to keep hydrated.
You will notice you will need to urinate more frequently for the rest of the day or at least a few hours. This is your body flushing out water weight and excess toxins.
You should exfoliate the area well with a scrub such as sugar and olive oil or an exfoliating scrub. Natural ingredients are best.
Here are the ones I have tried and tested and work well for me so far –
For all of these wraps you will need :
  • A roll of cling film
  • A roll of bandage or a corset
  • A towel or 2 to wrap around you
  • A mixing bowl

French green clay wrap –

3 tbsp French green clay
5 tbsp hot water
1 tbsp Himalayan salt (best) or sea salt
Mix all the above ingredients well in a bowl until a sloppy mud consistency is achieved.
Coat the area you wish to wrap in the clay mixture. Massage it in well and wrap the cling film around a few times.
Use the roll to pull the cling film taught but not too tight so that it is comfortable but forming a cocoon.
Follow with the bandage and wrap around to cover the area and help hold in the heat.
Wrap a towel around yourself, tuck it in and put a baggy sweater on over to hold in place.
Leave on for 1-2 hours.
Remove and wash off with warm or tepid water.
Green clay body wrap

Epsom salt wrap with vitamin E –

4 tbsp epsom salt
Vitamin E oil
Mix together the salt and vitamin E oil until a paste is formed.
Heat in the microwave for 20 seconds.
Apply the mix by gently rubbing it into the area you want to wrap.
Wrap the area with cling film a few times and pull it taught, not tight.
Follow with the bandage and wrap around  to hold in place or put on a corset.
Wrap a towel around yourself, tuck it in and put a baggy sweater on over to hold in place.
Leave on for 1-2 hours.
Remove and wash off with warm or tepid water.

Green tea and coconut oil wrap –

1 green tea bag
3 tbsp of coconut oil
Heat the coconut oil for 20 seconds in the microwave until warm and liquid.
Cut open a teabag of green tea
Empty the content into a bowl and add in the coconut oil.
Mix well and apply to the area you wish to wrap.
Use the roll to pull the cling film taught but not too tight so that it is comfortable but forming a cocoon.
Follow with the bandage and wrap around to cover the area and help hold in the heat.
Wrap a towel around yourself, tuck it in and put a baggy sweater on over to hold in place.
Leave on for 1-2 hours.
Remove and wash off with warm or tepid water.
Mud wrap with green clay base in a bowl Cling wrap around the midriff
Towel wrapped over the clingfilm on torso
If you do, I thank you for mentioning how you feel, I like to know that what you recommend is helpful to you.                      if you liked this method maybe this is to your liking, since it is for a longer result

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018

The #1 Most Common Food You Should NEVER Cut From Your Diet!

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 Ever since the 1970’s when folks like Jim Fix with his jogging book and of course fitness icon Richard Simmons began to get the world onto the fitness band wagon, a lot of information has come through our TV’s about how to lose weight and get healthy.
Unfortunately, much of it is inaccurate, misunderstood or even dangerous over time. The weight loss industry generates something over $70 billion in the U.S. alone… it’s big business and these companies and personalities know how to tap into our psyches and tickle those nerves that make us want to try their pills, foods, workouts and vibrating belts that melt the fat while you veg out in front of the tube.

Food has always been one of these areas that’s capitalized on the last 40+ years of America’s and other nations’ weight loss craze. First it was reduced fat and fat free! Sounds great, right? Yeah, except that when they take the fat out of your favorite cookies, they simply replace it with more sugar… hmm, doesn’t sound so great, does it?

In the early 2000’s, if you recall, carbs became fitness public enemy #1. All of a sudden, people who a year before barely even knew what carbohydrates were began to go on no carb diets. Then it was gluten. Again, before 2010 or so, most folks never even heard of this thing… and now, it seems like every food has a gluten-free substitute and half of all living humans are allergic to it.

Weird, right?

But you know what one of the most attacked food items has always been, even before the 70’s – salt!
 Yes, good old sodium chloride is the arbiter of all that’s evil in the world. Salt raises your cholesterol… oh, no that’s actually not true… salt is a key ingredient in weight gain… oh, that’s false too…

The truth is, in fact, that salt is absolutely vital to your body’s health. It’s needed in the bio-chemistry of your cells. Yet even more obvious is that when you cut salt out of your diet, you actually inhibit your body’s ability to digest food! And of course, that means putting on more weight and also limiting the amount of nutrients you can absorb.

 Salt helps your body balance and optimize the PH level in your stomach. In other words, it helps make sure that your stomach acid is strong enough to break down the food you eat so that the nutrients in it can more effectively be absorbed as it passes through your digestive tract.

Salt is actually one incredibly important element in any good weight loss program. Like many people, I thought differently until running into a Korean medical student in Afghanistan who opened my eyes to a whole new – yet ironically ancient – way of looking at health, fitness and weight loss. He showed me the science behind what eastern cultures have known for millennia.

If you’re looking to lose weight, or you’ve ever been frustrated by your lack of progress… some of the latest science may shock you as to why. There are myths about weight loss that we’ve been fed for far too long and yet the scientifically proven and tested truth has simply been lying in the grass waiting to be uncovered. To learn more about what does and does not work about weight loss and how you can truly drop unsightly pounds rapidly and permanently, click this link and check out a video I’ve put together. Learn how my nearly being killed in the Middle East led me to discover the amazing truth that you deserve to know – click here right now! Click here

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018

The Hidden Truth About Cardio 

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How your daily gut busting routine may actually be preventing weight loss and pushing you closer to death.

In western cultures like ours, countries like the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and other European nations, what’s the first thing that anybody thinks of or tells you whenever the idea of weight loss is brought up? You’ve got to hit the treadmill, exercise bike or the streets and burn those calories!

On the surface of it, this makes sense, right? After all, you’re doing a lot of work and you’re sweating and breathing heavy. Surely running a few miles every day must be dissolving those unsightly LB’s like crazy, right?

 Would you be surprised to hear that this is actually wrong?
 No, I’m not crazy – let me lay it out for you… Yes, cardio does burn calories, it’s true. And yes, some cardio is good for you. Light cardio promotes a healthy heart and increases your endurance. On the other hand, though… heavy cardio actually begins to have the opposite effects.

Before I get into why, let me give you a simple but common sense example. Imagine pre-historic Man. These men and women are running around the Paleolithic world chasing down antelope, red deer, aurox, bison and the occasional wooly mammoth. Most of their diet comes from animal protein and what edible plants they can scrounge.

Well, if cardio was so great for losing weight, these people would simply starve to death while running down their food. All that cardio would burn through their energy reserves faster than they could replace them. Yet they didn’t starve to death… why? 

For one thing, a lot of heavy cardio is hard on your knees and feet. Second, it’s also hard on the heart. Too much cardio actually begins to add scar tissue to your heart and increases your rate of heart attack. We didn’t realize that for a while until many scientific studies were done on the subject.

As for losing weight, excessive cardio actually has the reverse effect and here’s why. Our bodies are genetically designed to survive. Our body’s job is to store energy as fuel both for its immediate use and in the form of fat for those times when food is scarce. In modern times, of course, food isn’t really scarce, so this built in safety feature is rarely needed.

 However, when you deprive your body of the nutrients it requires, either by starving yourself on some crazy diet or by over-taxing your body with lots of cardio, it begins to switch into survival mode. Additionally, and unfortunately with heavy cardio, your body also becomes anabolic.

This means that it begins to burn the most effective source of energy first – and that’s not fat… it’s your muscle. Take a good look at some of these chronic long distance runners who compete. Many of them are kind of stringy looking and have to pack in the carbs just to maintain their muscle mass.

You want your body to burn fat, not muscle, obviously. It’s not really about calories, as many diets and so-called fitness gurus try to make you believe. Calories are only a means of measuring food energy. Yes, if you want to lose weight, you must take in less calories than you consume, yet there’s so much more to it than that.

The biggest secret to weight loss isn’t running 10 miles every day, starving yourself or even avoiding some of your favorite carbs, believe it or not. In fact, if you’re going to lose weight properly, it’s actually important that you do eat some of your favorite foods!
I know that sounds crazy, too – but it’s absolutely true, and I can prove it to you! If you know how to use your body’s natural processes to your advantage, it’s entirely possible to lose 10, 20 or even 30+ pounds in a single month without starvation diets, gut wrenching cardio, ridiculous workouts and eating anything gross! It’s true and I can show you the science to prove it!

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018


Resultado de imagen para masa muscular


I know that sometimes it is difficult to identify and conform to a specific routine and that you do not even know how to start doing a proper training.
That's why today I want to show you how to create a routine for greater performance in your training and thus get really notorious results.

You must take into account the goals you have, also the preferences and needs, it is very important that you be careful with any lesson you have in advance ... we go to action.

Selection of exercises and repetitions, should take into account breaks, this is important for any type of training.

Resultado de imagen para masa muscular2 chest exercises
2 back
1 of shoulders
1 of biceps
1 triceps

1- bench press 1: 5 to 8 repetitions, 60 in total, 2 to 4 minutes of rest.
2- inclined press with dumbbells: 8 to 12 repetitions, 60 in total 1 to 2 minutes of rest.

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1- Rowing: 5 to 8 repetitions, 60 in total, rest 1 to 2 minutes.
2-Dominated: 5 to 8 repetitions, 60 in total, rest from 1 to 2 minutes.

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1-Press military: 5 to 8 repetitions, 40 in total, rest 1 to 2 minutes
2-Lateral Surveys: 5 to 8 repetitions, 40 in total, rest from 1 to 2 minutes.

Resultado de imagen para press militar

Triceps, additional can do shrinkage and trapezoids, from 10 to 15 repetitions each, 30 in total.

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The order in which the exercises must be executed is interspersed so as not to recharge the same area with a single exercise and thus allow the body a rest. This is an example of how they can do it ...
chest, back, chest, back, shoulder, arms.
Another example would be: back, chest, back, chest, shoulder, arm.
Any example is valid, depends on your tastes or preferences, or if you prefer you can change the exercises but have the same movement.

It is a pleasure for me to be able to help you and provide you with information that helps you in your training, remember to keep a good diet, I will also be publishing methods for a healthy diet, it is VERY IMPORTANT to have a good attitude of not giving up since this It is a hard road, but when the road is hard, only the hard ones go for a walk.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2018

10 Workout Secrets From the Pros

Getting and staying fit can be a challenge. For many of us, it's hard just to get up off the couch. So what's the secret of people who have managed to make exercise a way of life?
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1. Be Consistent

Chase Squires is the first to admit that he's no fitness expert. But he is a guy who used to weigh 205 pounds, more than was healthy for his 5'4" frame. "In my vacation pictures in 2002, I looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at the beach," says the 42-year-old Colorado resident. Squires decided enough was enough, cut out fatty food, and started walking on a treadmill. The pounds came off and soon he was running marathons -- not fast, but in the race. He ran his first 50-mile race in October 2003 and completed his first 100-miler a year later. Since then, he's completed several 100-mile, 50-mile, and 50k races.
His secret? "I'm not fast, but I'm consistent," says Squires, who says consistency is his best tip for maintaining a successful fitness.
"It all started with 20 minutes on a treadmill," he says. "The difference between my success and others who have struggled is that I did it every single day. No exercise program in the world works if you don't do it consistently."

2. Follow an Effective Exercise Routine

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recently surveyed 1,000 ACE-certified personal trainers about the best techniques to get fit. Their top three suggestions:
  • Strength training. Even 20 minutes a day twice a week will help tone the entire body.
  • Interval training. "In its most basic form, interval training might involve walking for two minutes, running for two, and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of a workout," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, FACSM, chief science officer for ACE. "It is an extremely time-efficient and productive way to exercise."
  • Increased cardio/aerobic/ exercise Bryant suggests accumulating 60 minutes or more a day of low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, running, or dancing.

3. Set Realistic Goals

"Don't strive for perfection or an improbable goal that can't be met," says Kara Thompson, spokesperson for the International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA). "Focus instead on increasing healthy behaviors."
In other words, don't worry if you can't run a 5K just yet. Make it a habit to walk 15 minutes a day, and add time, distance, and intensity from there.
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lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2018

Meet The Bodybuilder Trying To Build Sweden's Freakiest Physique

Joar Fällmar is calm, intense, and driven to succeed in the gym and on the stage. Meet the up-and-coming European bodybuilder who is going to be your next shoulder day motivation!
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During his late teen years, Joar Fällmar fell out of love with sitting around playing video games, and in love with moving the heaviest iron possible. But when a back injury put the sport of powerlifting out of reach, he switched gears and became a heavy-and-hard bodybuilder in the mold of his heroes Branch Warren and Johnnie O. Jackson. He discovered that his body loved the challenge, and he grew like a weed—although his studies took a hit.
"I was the other guy before. People didn't look up to me, people didn't compliment me. But I think people began to see me more like a role model, even though I didn't go to all my classes," the native of Jönköping, Sweden, says.
Now in his late 20s, and with several international competitions under his belt, this soft-spoken light heavyweight bodybuilder has set a new goal, which he shared in the video "Life of Iron" on the you tube chanel 
"I want to be Sweden's most freakish physique. I want people to be shocked," he says. "I have my tunnel vision. Nothing is going to break it."